Elonat Sundance

A Blog for Photographers


March 2016

Qualities To Look For From A Photographer

Photography is one of the important fields that have started getting fame in the society. In the earlier days people had even gone to the extent of not accepting it as a career but with the change in time it… Continue Reading →

Portraits Of Personification

A picture, to a photographer, is a replication of real life, a reproduction of a single moment captured on camera at a standstill; highlighting each feature, each element with detailed intricacy to ultimately draw an awe-struck response from each of… Continue Reading →

What to Expect at a Carnival Fair

  It may sound inconceivable to some, but there are many people in the world who haven’t attended a carnival fair ground before. Most people still live away from towns and cities, which are more popular with carnivals and fairs as… Continue Reading →

Things To Consider When Starting An Aerial Photography Company

Photography is the art of capturing people and things in nature. A good photographer has the ability to capture the moments in a skilful manner. There are many types of this profession. Some are good at taking pictures of people… Continue Reading →

Pursuing Your Talents And Dreams

Although you may have numerous talents, the chances are that you are stuck at a boring nine to five office job that has no connection with your talents because you need to earn a living. This is sadly the story… Continue Reading →

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